Nature’s Plan

by Lisa Rafel

It must be in nature’s plan
For man to understand the earth and sky –
She’s the source of life – how we live and die.
So it’s time to question why so many think
That man has the right to destroy her life
The plains, the plants, and other living beings –
Without them – humanity won’t survive.
This is the question of our time!
Yes, power serves humanity – but without love no destiny
We are not simply melody – we must co-exist in harmony

When we forget to be grateful, we forget to be kind
When we forget and destroy
We forget we’re alive

Nature births us – she’s our living will. 
We are born with her in every cell. 
And once we’re gone we give our life away
In seeds or buds, in specks of dust –
So use this time to feel, dream and do –
Fly inside the wind, invent, create, and follow-through
When we’re fighting  – not to die …
It’s for more than to just survive
Life can almost break us – It makes us cry
From heartache, grief, sadness, fear –
And that’s because  – we want be here!
To breath, to love, to make, to save
To have something matter before we reach our grave.
But to her – this is nature’s call –
It’s To Exist! That’s for us all.   

We’re the core of the fruit, the skin of the root
We’re food for the air, and salvation from despair
Be free of doubt  – We grow or die –
There’s no way out –
We’re on a twisting path without a map.
And when nature destroys to reinvent new life
It always bends toward the light.
Nature gives beauty so the heart is pure
So knowledge is free
So that we can endure

Humans kill to make themselves feel safe.
But, safe is like a brittle branch.
It can’t hold fast, it never lasts.
Each disaster can be a brand new path –
When we make it a gift, a guide, a way inside
No hate can stop that powerful fire
That lives inside the soul’s desire.
We need love! Our hearts need to feel.
All souls are truth! All souls are real.
If we live by giving, changing, and forgiving
If we let nature thrive – We grow more alive!

So, Don’t forget and destroy – Don’t forget to be kind
Don’t forget to be grateful – don’t give up or deny
We’re the story-tellers, the message bearers
The mothers, fathers, and the babies who cry.
We are alive! And this gift? To give back!  
Be nature’s ally – mirror the beauty of the earth and the sky.
Out of our will lies the future we birth,
The truth it’s around us
We’re in heaven on earth

© 2019 Lisa Rafel